Adam Franczyk

Adam Franczyk
Adam Franczyk

Adam Franczyk is a funeral professional with twenty years of experience, manager of the service office of the Municipal Cemetery in Czestochowa (municipal cemetery, Czestochowa crematorium, municipal funeral home), trainer at the Polish Funeral Association in Warsaw, author of articles in magazines of the cemetery and funeral industry, initiator of legislative work at the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration on the inconsistency of cemetery laws on organizing the burial of stillborn children, consultant at the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Administration during legislative work resulting in the issued Regulation of the Minister of Internal Affairs and Administration of December 22, 2015. Amending the Ordinance on the manner of keeping records of graves.
He is a graduate of the Jagiellonian University, Faculty of Philosophy in Cracow and the Higher School of Pedagogy in Częstochowa (marketing research methodology, research of motivation, behavior and customer satisfaction, pedagogy).


Workshop for cemetery managers in Poland
  • 15:00 - 18:00
  • 180 min
  • SYNERGY room

Workshop on the problems of contemporary cemeteries in Poland combined with a lecture on the design of modern cemeteries and places of remembrance. 
The workshops are organized by PSP and IBPC with partnership of NECROEXPO fair in Kielce.

Check the detailed conference program below! Conference in Polish without simultaneous translation. 

15:00 - 16:30

Lecture: "Multifunctionality as a Contemporary Paradigm in Cemetery Management. The Cemetery as an Environmentally Friendly, Therapeutic, and Inclusive Space" - Dr. Eng. Anna Długozima, Assistant Professor at the Department of Landscape Art, Institute of Environmental Engineering, SGGW.

16:30 - 18:00

Workshops and Panel Discussion with Participants: "Necessary Legal Changes in the Context of Cemetery Operations" covering the following topics:

1) Introduction - Archaic law, but still the law.
2) Problems faced by cemetery managers under current legal conditions.
3) Proposed amendments to the Cemetery and Burial Act: rights to a grave, repatriation of bodies and ashes for burial from abroad, burial of ashes, exhumation, removal of graves, and tombstones.
4) Summary.

The workshops and panel will be led by Dariusz Dutkiewicz, Director of the Institute of the Funeral and Cemetery Industry, Jarosław Wydmuch, Director of the Municipal Cemetery in Częstochowa and the Municipal Funeral Service in Częstochowa, and Adam Franczyk, Office Manager of the Municipal Cemetery in Częstochowa

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