
  • Sortem

Sortem: A company that inspires trust

Sortem stems from a shared vision, coupled with the extensive experience in the Spanish and international funeral sector of all its members.

What gives meaning to our lives is exploring all markets worldwide in pursuit of understanding the vast diversity present in funeral rites, to capture innovative ideas for universal adaptation that help enhance funeral services.

Our areas of operation focus on urns, keepsake accessories, coffins, embalming, and funeral training for professionals.

Therefore, our main objective is to offer a globally trusted distribution network where logistical solutions, trends, and opportunities can be applied for all our national and international clients in the funeral market.

At Sortem, we prioritize innovation above all else. That's why we channel all our business efforts around that idea, which defines the philosophy of our team.

We understand funeral innovation as a process that introduces novelties to existing elements in the service to improve them or represent something entirely new, but always sustainable. A journey that has led us to be recognized with various awards that reinforce our commitment to innovation in international funeral and design fairs.

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