- about convention
NFDA partners with Convention and presents unique report

Consumers in Central America are more likely to seek a green or eco-friendly funeral than any other region of the world. Including a religious or faith-based component to a funeral or memorial is most important to consumers in the Philippines, Nigeria, Brazil, Guatamala, South Africa, and Mexico. Consumers in the UK and Australia are least likely to believe this is important. Consumers in the United Kingdom and Australia hold funeral professionals in the highest regard. For consumers globally, location is the most important reason for choosing a funeral home. For consumers in the Philippines, Nigeria and South Africa, price is the most important reason. African consumers were more likely to find meaning in a funeral or memorial service. Consumers in China, South Africa and Canada are more likely to believe a funeral is for the living, to help them begin their grief and healing journey. Globally, more consumers believe burial (63%) is more helpful for healing than cremation (52%).