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Boost your market position with insights from experts

A constant feature of the FIAT-IFTA meetings program is the substantive industry conferences, during which the most current topics related to the development of the funeral industry in the region and around the world are discussed.

During the FIAT-IFTA 2024 Convention in Krakow, esteemed experts will deliver lectures, including Carl Becker, PhD, D.Psych. from Kyoto University School of Medicine; Darrell Simpson, principal owner of Graystone Associates; Stefan Schumacher, CEO of PBSGEO; and Norbert Tkacz, a member of the Krakus Vistula Warriors Team, which has been co-organizing the Traditional Rękawka Festival at Krakus Mound in Krakow with the Podgórze Cultural Center since 2001. Experts will present topics related to the future of cemeteries in the context of AI development, discuss ways to reduce costs and increase the efficiency of funeral industry companies, and explore the impact of funeral arrangements on the grieving process for individuals and society as a whole. Additionally, the origins of Krakow's Rękawka custom, an ancient Slavic spring festival in honor of the dead, will be presented, along with the modern form in which this tradition has survived.

Special guests and key speakers of the conference, invited by the Platinum Partner - Grupa KLEPSYDRA, will be two distinguished Polish sportsmen: football legend Jerzy Dudek and renowned high jumper Artur Partyka. In a discussion moderated by Maciej Kautz, they will address topics such as motivation and passion, stress, burnout, and the enduring foundations of a good life. What can funeral industry entrepreneurs learn from athletes to achieve success in their daily work, recover from failures, and simply lead a happy life?

Meet excellent speakers and get inspired!

The conference will take place on September 19 from 10:30 AM to 1:30 PM.

Check out the detailed agenda.

Conference will be conducted in Polish and English with simultaneous translation.

To participate in the conference, you must register on the Convention's website and purchase one of the five types of tickets.

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